

Big Data:  Its Science, Industry, and Business/ 讲座:大数据 : 数据科学、数据工业、数据商业

Wei Zhao, University of Macau

澳门大学 赵伟

Venue/地点电信学院3号楼 410 SEIEE Building 3-410

Time:  20171015 上午/AM ·10:30 – 11:30

Wei Zhao (F’01) is currently the rector of the University of Macau, China. Before joining the University of Macau, he served as the dean of the School of Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Between 2005 and 2007, he served as the director of the Division of Computer and Network Systems in the US National Science Foundation when he was on leave from Texas A&M University, where he served as senior associate vice president for research and professor of computer science. As an elected IEEE fellow, he has made significant contributions in distributed computing, real- time systems, computer networks, cyber security, and cyber-physical systems. 

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上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系版权所有 @ 2013