Hello & Welcome !

I am a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). At SJTU, I'm a proud member of Emerging Parallel Computing Center (EPCC) and I direct Sustainable Architecture and Infrastructure Lab (SAIL). Prior to joining SJTU, I earned my PhD degree from the University of Florida and my BS degree from Zhejiang University (with honors).

Research Interests

My primary research area is system architecture design with an emphasis on energy-efficient, high-performance computers of extreme scales. I devise innovative cross-layer approaches to improve the scalability and sustainability of today's data center infrastructure. My broader interests also include emerging technologies and evolving applications that could ultimately shape the next-generation computing paradigms.

Selected Honors

CCF TCDCP Young Innovation Pioneer Award, CCF TCDCP, 2023
Sun Yong Qiang Young Professorship, SJTU CSE Department, 2021
Excellent Young Scientists Fund, NSFC, 2021
Shanghai Rising-Star Program Award, Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, 2021
CCF Distinguished Speaker, China Computer Federation, 2020
Outstanding Young Professional Award, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2020
IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Early Career), IEEE TCSC, 2018
CCF Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Plan, China Computer Federation, 2017
MSRA "StarTrack" Visiting Young Faculty Program, Microsoft Research Asia, 2017
CCF-Intel Young Faculty Researcher Program Award, China Computer Federation and Intel, 2016
Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Student Studying Abroad, CSC, 2014
Facebook Fellowship, Facebook Inc , 2013
Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges Program Award, Yahoo! Inc , 2012
A.M. Turing Centenary Celebration Student Scholarship, ACM SIGARCH, 2012
Attributes of a Gator Engineer Recognition Award, University of Florida , 2010
Graduate Alumni Fellowship, University of Florida , 2009
Chu Kochen Certificate of Honors, Zhejiang University, 2009

Paper Highlights

Best Paper Session, IEEE/ACM ISCA, 2024
Best Paper Honorable Mention, IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 2024
Best Paper Nomination, Euro-Par, 2023
Best Paper Runner-Up, ACM/SPEC ICPE, 2022
Spotlight on Transactions (March Issue), Computer, 2020
IEEE TC Featured Paper (July Issue), IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2019
Best Paper Award, IEEE ICCD, 2018
Best of Computer Architecture Letters, IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 2015
Best Paper Award, IEEE HPCA, 2011