Operating Systems (Undergraduate), Spring 2022


This course mainly introduces operating systems. Successful course participants will,

Requirements: Programming Language (C/C++/Python/Java), Data Structure, Computer Organization.


NameEmailOfficeTelOffice Hours
Minyi Guo Room 415 SEIEE Building #3 (021) 3420 4438 By appointment
Chentao Wu Room 513 SEIEE Building #3 (021) 3420 8230 By appointment

Teaching Assistant

NameEmailOfficeTelOffice Hours
Xinyu Wang 303B, Building 4 in Zizhu By appointment
Mizhipeng Zhang 303B, Building 4 in Zizhu By appointment

Course Policies


Students are encouraged to talk to each other, to the course staff, or to anyone else about any of the assignments. Assistance must be limited to discussion of the problem and sketching general approaches to a solution. Each student (or team) must write out his or her own solutions to the homework. Any forms of copying code is strictly prohibited.

Late Policy


Cheating is NOT tolerated! Please read the SJTU's Academic Code of Conduct if you are not familiar with the definition of cheating. If you are caught cheating on an assignment, you will get a zero for that assignment. Other repercussions are also possible.