[Dec. 2024] Our paper "B2LoRa: Boosting LoRa Transmission for Satellite-IoT Systems with Blind Digital Beamforming", "Bridge: Enabling BLE Direction Finding Feature Compatible with All Bluetooth Devices" have been accepted to ACM MobiCom 2025. Congratulations to Yimin, Runting.
[Jun. 2024] Our work,"软件定义的泛在物联网感传算控理论与方法",received the first Class Award in Natural Science Award by Shanghai Computer Society(上海市计算机学会自然科学一等奖),China, 2024.

[Jun. 2024] My advised PhD student, Yunzhong Chen, presented our work "RFSpy: Eavesdropping on Online Conversations with Out-of-Vocabulary Words by Sensing Metal Coil Vibration of Headsets Leveraging RFID" in ACM MobiSys 2024 at Tokyo, Japan.

[May. 2024] Our paper "A Survey of mmWave Radar-based Sensing in Autonomous vehicles, Smart Homes and Industry" has been accepted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial. Congratulations to Hao Kong.
[Apr. 2024] Our paper "RFSpy: Eavesdropping on Online Conversations with Out-of-Vocabulary Words by Sensing Metal Coil Vibration of Headsets Leveraging RFID" has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2023. Congratulations to Yunzhong Chen.
[Apr. 2024] Our papers "mmHand: 3D Hand Pose Estimation Leveraging mmWave Signals" , "OpenAuth: Human Body-based User Authentication using mmWave Signals in Open-World Scenarios" have been accepted to IEEE ICDCS 2024. Congratulations to Junlin Yang, Hao Kong, Haoxin Lv.
[Feb. 2024] I received the Distinguished Member of INFOCOM 2024 TPC recognition, 2024.

[Dec. 2023] Our work,"基于智能协同计算的自动化系统级芯片测试系统",received the First Class Award in 2023年CCF科技创业大赛,China, 2023.

[Nov. 2023] My advised PhD student, Hao Kong, receives the ACM China SIGAPP Doctoral Dissertation Award on 2023 . Congratulations to Hao Kong.

[Aug. 2023] Our work,"基于泛在无线信号感知人体行为特征的用户认证技术",received the Second Class Award in 2023年中国发明协会发明创新奖,China, 2023.

[Jun. 2023] My advised PhD student, Hao Kong, presented our work "mm3DFace: Nonintrusive 3D Facial Reconstruction Leveraging mmWave Signals" in ACM MobiSys 2023 at Helsinki, Finland.

[May. 2023] Congratulations to Hao Kong, who successfully defended his doctor dissertation on May. 24th, 2023.

[May. 2023] Our paper "RF-Mic: Live Voice Eavesdropping via Capturing Subtle Facial Speech Dynamics Leveraging RFID" has been accepted to ACM IMWUT 2023. Congratulations to Yunzhong Chen.
[Apr. 2023] Our paper "mm3DFace: Nonintrusive 3D Facial Reconstruction Leveraging mmWave Signalsg" has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2023. Congratulations to Jiahong Xie,Hao Kong.
[Feb. 2023] Our work,"面向工业互联网的智能协同传算技术与应用",received the Second Class Award in 产学研合作创新成果奖,China, 2022.

[Jan. 2023] My advised PhD student, Xiangyu Xu, receives the Shanghai Computer Federation Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Nomination Award on 2022 . Congratulations to Xiangyu Xu.

[Dec. 2022] Our paper "SenSpeed: Sensing Driving Conditions to Estimate Vehicle Speed in Urban Environments" has received 2022年度上海计算机学会普适计算与嵌入式最佳论文奖.

[Nov. 2022] My advised PhD student, Xiangyu Xu, receives the ACM China SIGAPP Doctoral Dissertation Award on 2022 . Congratulations to Xiangyu Xu.

[Dec. 2022] My advised PhD student, Hao Kong, receives the HUATAI SECURITIES(华泰证劵) Science and Technology Scholarship (10,000 RMB). Congratulations to Hao Kong.

[Oct. 2022] Dr. Yu has been reported in 科学中国人(封二人物): "为万物智联提供解决方案——记上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系副教授俞嘉地".

[Oct. 2022] Our work on mmWave-based Sensing has been reported in 人民日报: "上海交通大学针对智能无线感知取得技术新成果".

[Oct. 2022] Our Poster "A Non-intrusive and Adaptive Speaker De-Identification Scheme Using Adversarial Examples" has received the Best Poster Runner-up Award of The 28th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing And Networking (MobiCom 2022).

[Apr. 2022] Our paper "m^3Track: mmWave-based Multi-User 3D Posture Tracking" has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2022. Congratulations to Hao Kong,Xiangyu Xu.
[Dec. 2021] My advised PhD student, Hao Kong, receives the 杨嘉墀 Scholarship for Graduate Students (25,000 RMB). Congratulations to Hao Kong.

[Dec. 2021] Our paper "Non-Parallel Text Style Transfer using Self-Attentional Discriminator as Supervisor" won the Best Student Paper Award in IEEE BigData 2021.

[Aug. 2021] Our paper "MagPrint: Deep Learning Based User Fingerprinting Using Electromagnetic Signals" receives the World Artificial Intelligence Conference Youth Outstanding Paper Nomination Award on 2021.

[Aug. 2021] My advised PhD student, Xiangyu Xu, receives the Outstanding Graduate of SJTU on 2021 . Congratulations to Xiangyu Xu.

[Aug. 2021] Congratulations to Xiangyu Xu, who successfully defended his doctor dissertation on Aug. 10th, 2021.

[Aug. 2021] Our paper "Face-Mic: Inferring Live Speech and Speaker Identity via Subtle Facial Dynamics Captured by AR/VR Motion Sensorse" has been accepted to ACM MobiCom 2021. Congratulations to Cong, Xiangyu.
[Jul. 2021] My advised undergraduate student, Qilin Chen, receives the Distinguished Bachelor Dissertation Award on CS of SJTU . Congratulations to Qilin Chen.

[Apr. 2021] Our paper "MultiAuth: Enable Multi-User Authentication with Single Commodity WiFi Device" has been accepted to ACM MobiHoc 2021. Congratulations to Hao Kong.
[Jan. 2021] My advised PhD student, Xiangyu Xu, receives the SJTU Overseas Alumni Scholarship for Graduate Students (10,000 RMB). Congratulations to Xiangyu Xu.

[Nov. 2020] My advised PhD student, Li Lu, receives the Shanghai Computer Federation Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Nomination Award on 2020 . Congratulations to Li Lu.

[Dec. 2020] Congratulations to Xue Hua, who successfully defended his doctor dissertation on Dec. 29th, 2020.

[Nov. 2020] My advised PhD student, Li Lu, receives the ACM China SIGAPP Doctoral Dissertation Award on 2020 . Congratulations to Li Lu.

[Sept. 2020] CCF-Ant Group awarded Jiadi's research project on “Sensing Human Vital Signs and Behaviors for User Interest Detection towards Physical Advertising leveraging mmWave Signals”.

[Sept. 2020] Prof.Jiadi Yu was invited to give a talk "Towards Behavior-irrelevant on-touch User Authentication on Smartphones Leveraging Vibrations" on Youth Forum of CWSN 2020

[Jul. 2020] My advised PhD student, Li Lu, receives the Shanghai Outstanding Graduate on 2020 . Congratulations to Li Lu.

[May. 2020] Congratulations to Li Lu, who successfully defended his doctor dissertation on May. 12th, 2020.

[Apr. 2020] Our paper "VocalLock: Sensing Vocal-Tract Behavior for Passphrase-Independent User Authentication Leveraging Acoustic Signals on Smartphones" has been accepted to ACM UbiComp 2020. Congratulations to Li Lu.
[Jan. 2020] Congratulations to Qiang Wu, who successfully defended his Master dissertation on Jan. 6th, 2020.
[Dec. 2019] Our paper "TouchPass: Towards Behavior-irrelevant on-touch User Authentication on Smartphones Leveraging Vibrations" has been accepted to ACM MobiCom 2020. Congratulations to Xiangyu Xu.
[Dec. 2019] Our work,"Mobile Network Optimization Theory and Method based on Multidimensional Cognition",received the Second Class Award in Natural Science Award by Shanghai (上海市自然科学二等奖),China, 2019.

[Oct. 2019] Our paper "Optimizing the Waiting Time of Sensors in a MANET to Strike a Balance between Energy Consumption and Dada Timeliness" won the Best Student Paper Award in IEEE ICPADS 2019.

[Oct. 2019] Our poster "Inaudible High-throughput Communication Through Acoustic Signals" won the Best Poster Award in ACM MobiCom 2019. Congratulations to Yang Bai, Li Lu.

[Oct. 2019] My advised PhD student, Li Lu, receives the National Scholarship for Graduate Students of 2019 (30,000 RMB). Congratulations to Li Lu.

[Jul. 2019] My advised PhD student, Xiangyu Xu, receives the 1985 CS Graduates Education & Development Fund and Yang Yuanqing Education Fund (36,000 RMB). Congratulations to Xiangyu Xu.

[Jul. 2019] Our paper "I^3: Sensing Scrolling Human-Computer Interactions for Intelligent Interest Inference on Smartphones" has been accepted to ACM UbiComp 2019. Congratulations to Li Lu.
[Jul. 2019] My advised PhD student, Hao Kong, presented our work "FingerPass: Finger Gesture-based Continuous User Authentication for Smart Homes Using Commodity WiFi" in ACM Mobihoc 2019 at Catania, Italy.

[Jul. 2019] My advised PhD student, Li Lu, presented our work "WiZoom: Accurate Multipath Profiling using Commodity WiFi Devices with Limited Bandwidth" in IEEE SECON 2019 at Boston, USA.

[Jun. 2019] My advised PhD student, Xiangyu Xu, presented our work "BreathListener: Fine-grained Breathing Monitoring in Driving Environments Utilizing Acoustic Signals" in ACM MobiSys 2019 at Seoul, South Korea.

[May. 2019] My advised PhD student, Xiangyu Xu, presented our work "KeyListener: Inferring Keystrokes on QWERTY Keyboard of Touch Screen through Acoustic Signals" in IEEE InfoCom 2019 at Paris, France.

[Mar. 2019] Our paper "FingerPass: Finger Gesture-based Continuous User Authentication for Smart Homes Using Commodity WiFi" has been accepted to ACM MobiHoc 2019. Congratulations to Hao Kong, Li Lu.
[Mar. 2019] Our paper "BreathListener: Fine-grained Breathing Monitoring in Driving Environments Utilizing Acoustic Signals" has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2019. Congratulations to Xiangyu Xu.
[Mar. 2019] I serves as the Publicity Co-chair of IEEE DySPAN 2019. Please submit your work and join us at DySPAN 2019!

[Feb. 2019] Our work on a lip-reading approach for user verification has been reported in IEEE Spectrum: "LipPass Authenticates Users Based On the Way They Move Their Mouths".

[Nov. 2018] Our work,"Personalized, Intelligent Service Technology and its Application in Online Travel Service",received the Second Class Award in Scientific and Technological Progress by Shanghai (上海市科技进步二等奖),China, 2018.

[Nov. 2018] My advised PhD students, Li Lu and Xiangyu Xu, receive National Scholarship for Graduate Students (30,000 RMB). Congratulations to Li Lu, Xiangyu Xu.

[Sep. 2018] I serves as the Publicity Co-chair of ACM WiSec 2019. Please submit your work and join us at WiSec 2019!

[Jun. 2018] My advised PhD student, Xiangyu Xu, presented our work "SteerTrack: Acoustic-based Device-free Steering Tracking Leveraging Smartphones" in IEEE SECON 2018 at Hong Kong, China.
[May. 2018] My advised PhD student, Li Lu, presented our work "LipPass: Lip Reading-based User Authentication on Smartphones Leveraging Acoustic Signals" in IEEE InfoCom 2018 at Honolulu, HI, USA.

[Dec. 2017] My advised PhD student, Xiangyu Xu, receives the HUAWEI Scholarship for Excellent Ph. D. Students (10,000 RMB). Congratulations to Xiangyu Xu.

[Nov. 2017] Our work,"Intelligent Operation and Maintenance Technology and System on Large-scale complex environments",received the Second Class Award in Scientific and Technological Progress by Shanghai (上海市科技进步二等奖),China, 2017.

[May. 2017] My advised PhD student, Xiangyu Xu, presented our work "ER: Early Recognition of Inattentive Driving Leveraging Audio Devices on Smartphones" in IEEE InfoCom 2017 at Atlanta, USA.
[Dec. 2017] Our work on Fine-grained Abnormal Driving Behaviors Detection and Identification with Smartphones has been featured in IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight: "How Your Smartphone Can Actually Improve Your Driving Behaviors".

[Mar. 2017] Our work on Sensing Vehicle Driving Conditions using Smartphone Sensors has been reported in "Auto Business Review" (汽车商业评论): 注意,手机可能就是保险公司监控你的摄像头 and some famous technical sites outlets, e.g., 搜狐科技.

[Jan. 2017] Congratulations to Guancheng Liang, who successfully defended his Master dissertation on Jan. 10th, 2017.
[Apr. 2016] My advised student, Zhichen Wu & Jianda Li, presented our work "L3: Sensing Driving Conditions for Vehicle Lane-Level Localization on Highways" in IEEE InfoCom 2016 at San Francisco, USA.
[Jan. 2016] Congratulations to Zhongyang Chen & Yang Guang, who successfully defended his Master dissertation on Jan. 12th, 2016.
[Jun. 2015] Congratulations to Xin Dong, who successfully defended his Doctor dissertation on Jun. 6th, 2015.
[Jun. 2014] Congratulations to Haofu Han & Peng Lu, who successfully defended his Master dissertation on Jan, 2014.