Yanmin Zhu has been working with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2009. Prior to joining Shanghai Jiao Tong University, he was a Research Associate with the Department of Computing at the Imperial College London. He received his PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in July 2007; and his bachelor from Xi'an Jiao Tong University (XJTU) in July 2002.
Research Interests
- Data mining
- Smart recommendation
- Big data analytics
- Internet of things (IoT)
- Vehicular ad hoc networks
- Crowd sensing
- Smartphone sensing
- Computer Networking, Fall, 2023, for UG students in Ziyuan School
- Advanced Topics on Internet of Things (in English), Fall, 2023, for postgraudate students
- Computer Networking, Fall, 2023, for UG students in Ziyuan School
- Advanced Topics on Internet of Things (in English), Fall, 2022, for postgraudate students
- Computer Networking, Fall, 2021, for UG students in Ziyuan School
- Advanced Topics on Internet of Things (in English), Fall, 2021, for postgraudate students
- Computer Networking, Fall, 2020, for UG students in Ziyuan School
- Advanced Topics on Internet of Things (in English), Fall, 2020, for postgraudate students
- Computer Networking, Fall, 2019, for UG students in Ziyuan School
- Advanced Topics on Internet of Things (in English), Fall, 2019, for postgraudate students
- Computer Networking, Fall, 2018, for UG students in Ziyuan School
- Advanced Topics on Internet of Things (in English), Fall, 2018, for postgraudate students
- Computer Networking, Spring, 2018, for UG students in Ziyuan School
- Advanced Topics on Internet of Things (in English), Fall, 2017, for PG students
- Computer Networking (in English), Spring, 2017, for UG students in Ziyuan School
- Advanced Topics on Internet of Things (in English), Fall, 2016, for PG students
- Computer Networking (in English), Spring, 2016, for UG students in Ziyuan School
- The complete list of courses that I have taught
Updated on 1 June 2023.
©Copyright, Yanmin Zhu
- 欢迎攻读博士、硕士的学生与本人联系。
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- 欢迎本校计算机相关专业大二、大三的本科生加入本人实验室从事科研实践工作.
- Looking for self-motivated both Master and PhD students . If interested, feel free to contact me.
- Web launched on 10 Sep 2009