1) Find students information who take a course in autumn and the teacher from ¡®cs¡¯ Select students.sid,name,students.dept,age From sc, courses, teachers, students Where sc.cid=courses.cid and sc.sid=students.sid and sc.teacher=teachers.teacher and courses.spring=0 and teachers.dept=¡®cs¡¯; 2)Find the average grade for each dept and each course Select dept,cid, avg(grade) From sc natural join students Group by dept,cid; 3)Roll up to find the average grade for each course Select cid, avg(grade) From sc Group by cid; 4)Find the average grade for each dept. Drill down to see each students, Select dept,avg(grade) From sc natural join students Group by dept; Select dept,sid,avg(grade) From sc natural join students Group by dept,sid; 5)Find the average grade for each dept. slicing on course ¡®C++¡¯; Select dept, avg(grade) as avgOfCplus From sc natural join students Where cid=5 Group by dept;